Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mini album pages 1 and 2

I started making a mini album ages ago and some pages are kind of done so I felt like posting them one by one and then will post the entire album as and when it gets ready..please feel free to give me some feedback regarding color combos or any addition I could make...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Earrings as binder rings!

Hi dearies, hope all of you are doing great!
A few days back I wanted to make a mini album and went around town looking for small binder rings..forget small I couldn't find binder rings at all..maybe I wasn't looking at the right stores , but anyways so my quest lead me to a pair of earrings that I had never worn ... and guess what these rings were just perfect for my was the same shade as the eyelet actually!.Hope you can see it in the picture. So I went ahead and bought a few more in different colors and sizes.I have completed another album where I have used these..these are just perfect for mini albums and tell me what you think of this...will be back with pics of my mini album soon..till then, ciao!